

Have a Say!

Superintendent of Seattle’s Department of Parks and Recreation Ken Bounds is retiring. His replacement will greatly influence the future of Green Lake and other parks.

Have a say in the matter by filling out an online questionnaire or go in person to any Parks & Recreation Center.

Read the FOGL Open Letter for more:

TO: Everyone interested in the future of Green Lake

SUBJECT: What qualities do you want in the new Parks Superintendent?

At the May FOGL (Friends of Green Lake) meeting, Kris Fuller, Recording Secretary, reported that the Mayor is seeking citizen input on the selection of the next Superintendent of Parks and Recreation. Ken Bounds is retiring in June, after 10 years as Superintendent. The new Superintendent will greatly influence the future of Green Lake and all other Parks’ properties. I encourage each of you to fill out the questionnaire, either online at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=445043769500, or in person at any Parks Recreation Center. The number of responses, and the qualifications requested, will be used by the selection committee to make recommendations to the Mayor. The survey responses will influence which characteristics are considered most important in choosing the new Superintendent.

It was also decided that FOGL, as an organization, will send a letter to Mayor Nickels.

The qualities that FOGL will request include:

1.) Experience in the Seattle area, with an appreciation for community values and local natural history, ecosystems and climate.
2.) Training in environmental science and/or engineering, including hydrology and water quality management.
3.) Appreciation for how our parks are islands of nature that, as our neighborhoods become more urban, are increasingly important to our well-being.

I encourage each of you to also write to the Mayor and/or City Council to describe the characteristics you consider most important in a parks Superintendent. Under a city regulation passed last year, the new Superintendent’s qualifications and job performance will be reviewed by the City Council. Comments will be accepted until June 30.

Thank-you for reading this far….now take that survey!

Gayle Garman, Chairman
Friends of Green Lake