About 6,000 rainbow trout measuring from 12 to 16 inches were planted in Green Lake May 18, 2005, watched by crowds of onlookers and cheered by enthusiastic fishermen. The fish were donated by Troutlodge, a fish-breeding company in Sumner who chose Green Lake to receive their surplus of spawning stock. The Washington Farm Bureau donated $2,000 to have the 1 to 3 pound trout trucked to the lake. The fish planting was coordinated by State Sen. Ken Jacobsen.
“These are really big trout,” Sen. Jacobsen said. “This will probably be the best fishing in Green Lake ever.”
Curt Kraemer, Dept. of Fish and Wildlife biologist agreed. “We like to put fish in lakes where people can get at them and use those waters,” he said. The Dept. plants the lake on an annual basis and has contracted with this company before.

TV cameramen record the event for the evening news.

Trout are squirted into the lake through a plastic tube.

They swim around in their new home waters.

Fishermen are excited about the enhanced fishing.