Monthly Archive: September 2009

Minutes for September 29, 2009 Meeting

Minutes Tuesday — September 29, 2009

Dr. Richard Keil (guest speaker)
Madi Carlson and her son
Deb BonjouklianEllen HewittKaren SchurrGayle GarmanRichard FlemingMary Lou KnoxMarcia Norman

Monitoring: Richard Fleming, Monitoring Chairman, reported that total rainfall for the calendar year is normal, despite an unusually dry summer.

Water quality samples were collected from Green Lake on Monday, Sept 28.

Secchi depth was 3.2 meters or 10.6 ft, the same as the prior sampling on Sept 14 and similar to the average for 2005-2007 at this time of year (graph sent to Ellen for Website). In late summer thru early fall of 2008, secchi depth (water clarity) was extraordinarily high (22 ft) but we are not seeing that pattern repeated in 2009.
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Have Your Say! Park Board Inviting Comments on Classifying City Parks

Seven categories including pocket park, community park, neighborhood park, recreation park, boulevard, natural area, or special use would be used to guide planning for use and development of each park. The proposed classification for both Green Lake and Woodland Parks is “recreation area”. In contrast, Golden Gardens is classified as “natural area”, Stan Sayers Park as “special use” and Gas Works Park as a “community park”.

They identify Green Lake as being 67.7 acres, so they are not including the lake in the acreage, which makes it difficult to proactively plan for management of the lake, the protection of which is the stated mission of FOGL.

Have a say on this important matter by sending an email to or calling Sandy Brooks, 206-684-5066. Written comments can be submitted until Oct. 22, when the Park Board will meet and make their recommendation to the Superintendent. FOGL’s letter to the Park Board makes this point along with the fact that the city’s parks need to be divided into appropriate subareas according to the usage of those areas.