How To Help

Make a tax-free cash donation!

Send a check payable to Friends of Green Lake to the new FOGL postal address:

Treasurer, Friends of Green Lake
PO Box 31905, Seattle, WA 98103

FOGL’s EIN is 33-1212539.

Help support and purchase supplies for Friends of Green Lake projects, including:

  • Taiga Floating Wetlands Project
  • Tree Frog Project
  • Water Quality Monitoring Project
  • FOGL Memberships (3.3, Washington State Lake Protection Association (WALPA)
  • Other opportunities to publicize FOGL activities or Green Lake events.

Sign up for e-mail news dates about FOGL meetings, urgent issues, and details affecting Green Lake. Contact to sign up

Volunteers Needed

  • Volunteer for FOGL Floating Wetlands project
  • Volunteer at shoreline restoration work parties with Green Lake Stewards
  • Measure lake temp and clarity, report at meetings
  • Photograph Green Lake events, write a story for local media
  • Write about FOGL for blogs, newsletters, etc.
  • Help organize monthly meetings: program, speakers, liaison with hosts
  • Outreach to nearby businesses
  • Outreach to nearby neighborhoods
  • Identify grant opportunities, help prepare grant applications
  • Pro bono legal advice

Contact to Volunteer


Friends of Green Lake

FOGL meets at 7:00 PM on the fourth Tuesday of odd numbered months. Meetings have been virtual using Zoom during the Covid pandemic, but as conditions improve, will resume at a location such as The Hearthstone Board Room, 6720 E. Green Lake Way N, Seattle 98103, where meetings have been for a number of years prior to Covid-19. See website:

Green Lake Community Council

GLCC meets at 7:00 PM on the second Wednesday of odd numbered months via Zoom but after it is deemed safe, hope to resume at The Hearthstone Chapel (address above). See website:

Be proactive with City Government and the Parks Department to continue funding for a clean and healthy Green Lake for the benefit of all.

In the past, toxic green algae caused the Health Department to close Green Lake to swimming and nearly all water activities numerous times. Funding for treatment when needed competes with many other needs in the budget.

Write to Seattle City Council members listed on the City Council website or send written comments or letters when issues occur. Inform the Council that toxic algae and lake closures at this well-loved, heavily used lake are intolerable. Tell them about any personal experiences.
