Green Lake Clean-Up to Help Wildlife September 1

Click here to see the PDF flyer

Abandoned fishing lines killed two owls last December. A team of volunteers removed them in our first cleanup in February, but it’s needed again. Please join us for a work party to clear abandoned fishing lines from Green Lake’s shoreline and trees to prevent future wildlife deaths!

When: 9:30 AM to 1:00 pm, Sunday September 1.

Where: North end of the parking lot adjacent to footpath, just north of Green Lake Crew House (5900 West Green Lake Way N, Seattle, WA 98103).

How: Teams will walk up shorelines and one team by boat to find and remove the fishing lines.

Bring: Please wear sturdy shoes, gloves, and appropriate clothing. We’ll provide the tools for fishing line removal!

Questions: Email Rob Zisette (Friends of Green Lake) at

RSVP: or scan the QR code here! (please note that space is limited
due to the limited number of tools available.)

Green Lake Litter Patrol on the Job!

The dedicated volunteers in the Green Lake Litter Patrol meet every Sunday morning at 8:45 am at the Bath House Theater Parking Lot at 7312 West Green Lake Drive N, patrol around the lake for about 2 hours, leaving a beautiful, clean park for us all to enjoy. To join in the fun, come dressed for the weather. Equipment provided. More info at

Green Lake Water Quality - September 27, 2024

Secchi Depth: 1.3 meters, (4.3 feet)
Water Temp: 18.0 C, (64.4F)

Weekly water clarity and temperature data are posted on the King County Lakes website and available here (select Lake Green-1, From/To, and View Data). General lake information, water quality data, and reports are available here. Continuous water level and temperature gauge data are available here.

Green Lake Safe Swimming Status

Green Lake can experience algae blooms in late summer and fall that produce toxins and result in warnings of unsafe conditions for swimming.

The beaches are tested weekly during the summer for fecal coliform bacteria that very rarely result in beach closures.

For a current listing of Green Lake and other King County beach warnings to Stay Out Of The Water, go to the King County Lakes website here.

Lakes currently experiencing toxic algae blooms are also listed on the Washington State Toxic Algae website here.

Friends of Green Lake - Join in Person or by Zoom 7 pm September 24, 2024

YOU’RE INVITED! Please join us in Person or via ZOOM on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2024, 7:00 – 9:00 pm at Orangutan Academy, 434 NE Ravenna Blvd., Seattle, WA 98115


  • Land Acknowledgement – Member adoption
  • South Willows Wetland Habitat Restoration
    Project (aka Frog Project) – Volunteers needed
    for pond excavation in late October
  • Aquatic Plant Management Plan – Draft plan out soon for public comment
  • Taiga Floating Wetlands Project – plantings and purple martin gourd install
  • Water Quality Status and Treasurers Report
  • Additional items of interest

or JOIN ZOOM MEETING using this link:

Meeting number:
833 5346 9270.
Password: chessape

Looking forward to seeing you then!

Rob Zisette
FOGL President

Follow us on Instagram

Next Meeting: Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Click here to see the printable PDF flyer