Come to a special Friends of Green Lake meeting this Tuesday evening, February 21st, to select one or two Green Lake Park projects to submit to the City’s capital budget competition Your Voice, Your Choice: Parks & Streets.
In July FOGL submitted a “To-Do” list to the Parks Department, and the projects will be selected from that list. A copy of FOGL’s “To-Do” list can be found at in the center column, third article.
Please note that this meeting is being held a week earlier than usual since the City’s deadline for submission of ideas is February 26th. Everyone is welcome.
Room opens for socializing and conversation at 6:45 PM
- Introductions
- Projects for Green Lake Park
- Old Business and then New Business
- Adjourn
*The To Do List was drawn up by the Friends of Green Lake and submitted to Seattle Parks and Recreation Department in July. It includes 24 items such as Improving Path Safety, Remodeling West Beach Changing Rooms, and Removing Trees in Shoreline Wall. For the complete list visit
Thanks to the Hearthstone for hosting our meeting.
Friends of Green Lake (FOGL) is a non-profit group in Seattle, Washington, whose mission is to ensure a healthy Green Lake for wildlife and recreation, for today and tomorrow.