Friends of Green Lake Meeting, Tuesday May 23, 2017, Hearthstone Boardroom
Convened at 7:00 PM
Richard FlemingAlice PoggiGayle GarmanGina HarmonKaren SchurrKent NarumEllen HewittBrian DeLuca
This was called as a Special Meeting to discuss our FOGL input to:
Your Voice – Your Choice, Seattle City activity:
Help Decide How to Spend $2 Million of the City’s Budget.
Details are found at:
Questions about how to get involved in any of the phases, please contact Jenny Frankl at 206.233.2044 or Karen will contact her to discuss FOGL’s input.
Gayle described the nature of this program and how FOGL became involved, when asked by Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) to provide inputs. This meeting was a winnowing of the larger list we previously submitted, to focus on those items we thought most needed.
FOGL thus focused on two topics for submittal, both enhancing safety for park users in immediate need of 911 emergency first responders, e.g. Ambulance (EMT-Emergency Medical Technicians), Police, Fire Department:
1. Embedded trail markers to enable 911 callers to identify their location of need for assistance. Associated additional and/or amended signage to alert park patrons to their location and use.
2. Adding prominent identification numbers and/or names on all structures around the park. History has many events when a caller in need had difficulty identifying their location to 911 Dispatch. The nearest park perimeter cross street is often 500 feet away, if visible at all.
To test the marker concept, Richard, Gayle and Karen conducted an on-trail test with simulated markers. They concluded, and FOGL recommends, these markers be no more than 150 feet apart, thereby a user would never be more than 75 feet from any nearby marker. These markers should bear a sequential number GL1 through GL100, each with the additional legend of “Your 911 Location”. Final design, configuration and installation method determined later.
First responders and their dispatchers would be trained on this concept. Promoting this concept and demonstrating the need would be information on park utilization and emergency response rates. Contact will be made with Mary Amberg of the North Precinct Advisory Council; and, local Fire Departments/EMTs for their response statistics.
Next regular meeting: Tuesday Apr 25 2017, unless convened sooner for added special meeting.
Brian DeLuca, FOGL Recording Secretary