

Minutes for March 20, 2007 Meeting

Meeting Minutes
March 20, 2007

Karen SchurrBrian DeLucaMarcia NormanMary Lou KnoxEllen HewittKris Fuller

Welcome and Introductions

  1. Proposed By-law changes
    1. Added office of Corresponding Secretary.
    2. Chair and Recording Secretary elected on even years
      Vice Chair, Treasurer and Corresponding Secretary elected odd years
  2. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Add $1.12 to last month’s balance in savings
    2. Add $30.00 to last month’s balance in checking
  3. Dockside Monitoring
    Richard Fleming, FOGL monitoring chairman, met with Rebecca Timmons, science teacher at Billings Middle School to go over the level 1 lake monitoring procedures. Gail Barker has done this monitoring for more than 2 years, but has gone back to fulltime work and asked for a replacement. The monitoring is part of the King County Small Lakes program, and Sally Abella of Metro King County will also meet with the students and Rebecca. They will provide/present their data for FOGL meetings.
  4. Ellen’s Website report– Right now the web page shows American Widgeons with information by Martin Muller. The page changes with the seasons. There is also a new book on Green Lake available by Brittany Wright through Arcadia Publishing.
  5. Department of Health-Report on fish contamination by David McBride
    1. He requested that we suggest locations for warning signs at Green Lake, but the county health dept determines whether signs are put up
    2. There are no acute health concerns (there are low levels of DDT and PCBs in the large carp)
    3. It was suggested that we walk the lake with a Ukrainian or Russian translator (many of the fisherpeople are Russian or Ukrainian).
  6. Restore Our Waters-Aquatic Habitat Matching Grant Program
    There is a meeting March 21, 2007. Kris Fuller will try to attend. Ellen Hewitt suggests Oregon grape, hazelnut, and Huckleberry as possible plantings.
  7. Green Lake Shade Garden Project (SPR)
    Parks is persisting in the espresso pad, shade garden, and new soft path between the large trees leading from the main entrance to the community center.
  8. T-shirt sales– Linda Noble
    Sold– 46
    Still Available– 58
    Gross receipts– $1121
    Expenses $900
    Profit $221
  9. It was suggested that stock be added to Tim’s Coffee shop
    on Linden Ave ( he runs the espresso stand at GL Comm. Ctr.)
    We can use a manila envelope to keep track of shirts/ sales at our
    various outlets such as Beauty Salons. Linda suggested we get Powder
    Blue as the color. We will get 8 youth large, 3 adult large, 10 adult small
    2 adult xxl, and 7 ladies medium, for a total of 30 more shirts.
  10. Office Elections – unanimous for office holders
    Karen Schurr – Vice Chairman
    Marcia Norman – Corresponding Secretary
  11. Open Swim – June 24th 8am-9am -1/2 mile from west to east Beach.
    Robin can’t do it, and Donna may take over. Linda and Kris may be able to “woman” the table to sell T-shirts.
  12. Mission Statement Revision
    Possibilities suggested –

    “FOGL, a grassroots, citizens group, works to ensure a healthy lake and its waters for recreation and wildlife today and for tomorrow.”

    “Friends of Green Lake, a grass roots citizens group, works to ensure a healthy lake and its watershed for recreation and wildlife today and in the future.”

    It was decided to table further discussion until our next meeting, so that Gayle and Richard can add to the suggestions.

The meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm.