Friends of Green Lake Meeting, Tuesday July 25, 2017, Hearthstone Boardroom
Convened at 7:00 PM
Richard FlemingGayle GarmanAlice PoggiKaren SchurrRob ZisetteMarcia NormanEllen HewittGina HarmonPeter NestingenGaret MungerGene WilliamsKate McNaughtonBrian DeLuca
Following around the table introductions, Karen S chaired the meeting.
Rob Z began with discussion of his study to install, in a vandalism resistant manner, a float gauge to monitor and report lake levels over time. This would be at the Meridian Avenue N drain box along the North shoreline. The gauge and its associated equipment would measure and record data over time to assess seasonal weather effect and also the impacts of major constructions sites near the park, as their underground portions alter the natural water table’s input to the lake. Much of the water at those sites, formerly migrating to the lake, is now shunted to municipal drainage as a condition of construction. Financial resources to buy, install, maintain, and analyze the output have not been established. Rob noted if it were Seattle City funds, they would likely be under Seattle Public Utilities budget. Related suggestions discussed were:
- The monitoring and reporting task could be an ongoing science project for a local school. Many of them already conduct faculty-supervised field trips to the lake as part of their science lessons. This could also be a Boy Scout/Girl Scout Merit Badge project, passed along as Scouts move on.
- Gayle G suggested the possibility of the FOGL treasury funding the initial work. The current balance is $5,666.39. Following discussion, Gayle motioned, seconded by Marcia N, to table the discussion. Vote unanimous to table, to be revisited as more complete information is available.
- Garet M noted that the lake was at its recent years’ lowest in 2015.
Next was a general discussion regarding the June 15 walk around the park by Richard, Gayle and Karen with several city officials, to review several of the concerns FOGL cited in their “To Do List” as noted in previous minutes and posted on the FOGL website. These were:
Kathleen Conner/Planning Manager, Jon Jainga/Urban Forestry Manager, Patrick Merriam/Maintenance Supervisor, and Robert Stowers/Director, Parks and Environment.
Major topics discussed were:
- Conditions and methods of removal of trees damaging the shorewall.
- City employees who may work on these trees, given that some work may include both dry land and standing in lake water access to accomplish tree removal.
- General discussion of the currency and accuracy of a Vegetation Management Plan.
- Water access from the West Beach, noting the difficult first step in and out of the lake for small children.
- Improvement of public access to bathrooms at the West Beach bathhouse, including discussion of expanding and improving it and having access to park patrons not using the swimming facility access point.
- Building Location/Identification numbers clearly added to upper corners of the several facilities around the lake.
- Establishing and signing path access to the upper elevation Lower Woodland Park area, directly from the Green Lake Path. Alice P noted that although there are some problems with improper conduct at that park area, there are many patrons who use the area’s facilities for parties and picnics.
- Brian D noted difficulties with getting public grants for “911 call” trail location markers, and will pursue schemes of private donation funding, pending guaranteed permission to proceed from City officials.
- Noted one of the concrete pads at East Beach is over municipal plumbing access.
Karen S noted concern about number of geese at the lake, leaving their dropping in the water and on the lawns and path. Noted was concern for the health of young children, who are not fully attentive to their surroundings.
Next meeting: Tuesday October 24, 2017, unless convened sooner for added special meeting.
Brian DeLuca, FOGL Recording Secretary