Meeting Minutes
July 17 2007
Linda NobleKaren SchurrRob ZissetteRichard FlemingGayle GarmanBrian DeLucaKris FullerSheila CoryMike CoryJune SkidmoreEllen HewittMarcia NormanMary Lou Knox
The meeting was called to order at 7:10 PM.
- Introductions
- Standing Committees
- Monitoring – Monitoring is done every two weeks including temperature, secchi disk, and water sampling. Water samples are sent to King County. Recently, a motorcycle was retrieved off the fishing dock.
- The lake is warm
- The lake is mixing well
- Transparency is still good
- Rebecca Timson reports about the same figures – Phase 1
- Geese are plentiful and molting now (unable to fly). There are about 50 present.
- E-mails to Gayle from the Health Department reported on contaminants in lake carp 2 years ago, mainly PCBs and DDT. Recommendation is to eat them only once a week. Warnings are up at Lake Washington but not in Seattle. Bruce Bolding did a survey and reported that the Green Lake fisher folk are Eastern European. The city doesn’t list Russians or Ukrainians as tier 1 or tier 2 language groups, so no signs are posted. The trout in the lake are hatchery fish. The Eastern Europeans have permits to catch carp for Lent, using nets. Green Lake carp had the highest contaminant level of any carp in the state.
- The alum treatment may be serving to separate the contaminants from the fish, but this is really unknown right now. Rob Zisette did sediment sampling 3 years ago, and lake sediments are contaminated. Per Rob, the State of the Waters Report will be issued by Seattle Public Utilities.
- Webmaster-Ellen Hewitt
- We are now in summer mode. Milk Carton Derby photos are up.
- Martin Mueller can’t provide a bird story until this fall, so we will run another one from our files plus a brochure story.
- Avid birders could provide Green Lake bird pictures. Pied-bill grebes and Mallards are nesters at the lake.
- Per Brian DeLuca, turtles appear to be increasing at the lake. Richard Fleming says they are “five and dime” varieties such as red-ear sliders, and painted turles among others.
- T-shirts are available at Tim’s Green Lake Coffee Shop on Linden and 72nd. This is noted on our web site. They are also available at the Green Lake Guest House Bed & Breakfast, Green Lake Salon on Woodlawn and 71st, and through Linda Noble via e-mail.
- T-Shirts
- We didn’t sell too many at the Cross Lake Swim, attendance was low because of rain.
- We sold 18 new and 4 older T-shirts at the Milk Carton Derby Race.
- Linda will inventory again.
- Thirty-three people signed up for our e-mail list at the two races.
- We might want to try selling t-shirts at the August 4th Green Lake Regatta, but it may be difficult to round up volunteers.
- Monitoring – Monitoring is done every two weeks including temperature, secchi disk, and water sampling. Water samples are sent to King County. Recently, a motorcycle was retrieved off the fishing dock.
- Treasurer’s Report– Mary Lou Knox
Checking Account $1031.80 Deposits:
$55.00 from X-lake swimSavings Account $1194.01 Deposits:
$355.00 from Milk Carton Derby - 501.c.3 Report – Beth Pflug coordinates NW District Councils. Green Lake Community Council is having trouble since no one wants to be the new officers. There are many conflicts of interest, so things are dysfunctional. Karen Schurr will check into 501.3.cs and see whether we should incorporate. Gayle suggests we start levying $10.00 annual dues since we don’t really make much money off the t-shirt sales, and the energy expended to sell them is considerable.
- Densmore Drain update– A temporary repair has been made to the loose grate. A permanent repair will follow soon. (Note – the permanent repair is now complete.)
- Milfoil survey– Milfoil at peak infestation used to cover the lake at 80% coverage in 1993/1994. The lake was transected in 2005 by Rob Zisette of Herrera Associates for the Parks Department. Richard Fleming did a survey update in September 2006 for the Friends of Green Lake. They went out with a GPS to map the milfoil. In 2006, the milfoil was still confined to the shoreline. GPS stands for Global Positioning System and is used to keep track of where one is. The results indicate no milfoil at 10-12 fet depth. Most milfoil is in Duck Bay near Duck Island, and most of the expansion has been in that area and near the East Swimming Beach-most of it is at 7 feet or less depth. Aerial photographs would help, but it is expensive and requires a calm, cloudless day. We really need to monitor the lake regularly. Rob says the lake cycles between algae overgrowth and then milfoil overgrowth depending on lake clarity. Don Allen of the Parks Deparment had noted that the milfoil harvester is stored at Lake Washington and the machine is deterioriating.
**( Note to Richard and Rob- Lower Woodland has a neighbor who is an amateur flyer. He has taken many pictures over Green Lake and Lower Woodland. His name is Gary Duncan and maybe we could enlist his aid in doing an aerial milfoil survey.)
The meeting adjourned at 9:05. There will be no August meeting. The next meeting will be at 7 PM, September 18, 2007.
Submitted by Kris Fuller, Recording Secretary