

Habitat Restoration/Maintenance Work Party Saturday March 14, 9am to 12 noon

Volunteers are invited! Come help get rid of blackberry and English ivy from shoreline habitat area at our most popular Green Lake. Give native shrubs along the shoreline a chance to grow and thrive. The work area for the morning will be along the eastern shoreline, a bit north of the Aqua Theatre. We will begin by mulching a previous FOGL planting and then move southward along the shore to remove blackberry and English ivy.

Be sure to dress for possible wet weather, and wear long sleeves to protect against blackberry thorns. Please no open toed shoes.

There will be a variety of tools for you to use and some gloves. If you have a favorite tool and your own gloves be sure to bring them along. Bring tools to share if you have extras.

We will meet along the path between the intersection of Kenwood and Kirkwood. Contact Maureen at mokwolek@comcast.net or 206-919-6630 or Andrea andwatts@live.com if you have questions, and especially to indicate you wish to join in.

Thanks for coming and sharing your views at the “Walk & Talk” discussions on Feb. 21!

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the FOGL-led walk on February 21. Developing a restoration plan for Green Lake is one of FOGL’s priorities this year, and on this walk we received valuable feedback as to what areas around the lake should be the focus of restoration efforts. In the coming months we will present a restoration plan for review by FOGL’s members and Seattle Parks. If you would like to help with FOGL’s restoration efforts, join us for a Saturday work party.
Photos courtesy of Mickey and Karen Schurr. [tribulant_slideshow gallery_id=”17″ height=”240″ width=”320″]