Meeting Summary
Tuesday, September 25, 2012, 7:00-9:00 PM
The Hearthstone, 6720 East Green Lake Way N
Board Room
Recorder: Davis Patterson
Gayle GarmanDavis PattersonGaret MungerKaren SchurrEllen HewittMarcia NormanKatie GrayJenny FranklBen HallSusan LevyJeannine FlorenceRichard FlemingKevin StoopsTanya WilsonKate CalhounBryan TothLinda NobleDon Torcaso
Treasurer’s report: Karen Schurr
- See report: $475 in total donations since last report. $6,114.55 total balance as of 9-25-12.
Announcements from Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation: Katie Gray
- Benches installed in front of Community Center, with lots of positive feedback. Planning to remove two concrete pads and leave two. There are more benches that could be installed, or the two pads may be left as multi-purpose use.
- Pitch-n-putt vendor contract has been renewed, with language on improvements.
- Green Lake Litter Patrol meets Sunday mornings to pick up litter. Parks has set up an agreement with them for equipment, vests, and disposal.
- Crew staff laid off (part of regular seasonal reduction after summer), but the Mayor’s budget did not cut park maintenance staff.
- Last volunteer agreement between FOGL and Parks was 2010. It should be updated if needed. Katie will push volunteer coordinator to reach out to FOGL officers for a separate meeting. “Park Stewards” agreements can be added to FOGL agreement.
- Concern that some groups such as FOGL did not receive Parks survey directly. Parks is also doing a scientific telephone survey on attitudes about parks and investments. Katie will check to see that FOGL is included in these kinds of announcements.
- Natural gas lines to be refurbished, by lower Woodland ball fields. Katie will bring a map and timeline to the next meeting. May begin in January or early Spring.
- Willows have a fungus; temporary, should recover next year.
WA Dept of Fish and Wildlife channel catfish stocking into Green Lake: Gayle Garman
- 3,500 8-11” channel catfish stocked in Green Lake in August. Green Lake is stocked with more trout than any other lake in King Co., based on fishermen’s access to lake.
- Gayle sent a letter with several questions about alum disturbance, contamination of fish, and fishermen stress on environment. Response letter indicated that catfish are omnivores, so they may not stir up the bottom as much as the carp. Fish are nutritious and these are still young, so no immediate concern about contamination. DFW indicated that fishing is a good use of the park; they are supportive of fishermen using park.
- State has stocked lake without consulting with Seattle Parks; they are not obligated to do so. Catfish have been found in the lake in the past. Carp will probably be the predominant fish in the lake, though they appear to have diminished. WA DFW is responsible for maintaining screens; question about whether motor for Meridian drain is operable, and problems with debris clogging.
- WA DFW has offered to attend a FOGL meeting to discuss activities.
Parks Dept monitoring of Green Lake: Kevin Stoops
- Just finished 8th year of monitoring since alum treatment. Tested every 4 weeks May-Sept. for temp, oxygen, clarity, and collection of samples for chemical analysis: phosphorus, chlorophyll, etc. All summer this year, clarity results were very good. Phosphorus levels good. Lake stayed mixed despite warm and dry weather: good oxygen levels top to bottom. West and north sides of lake have a fair amount of milfoil.
FOGL monitoring of water quality: Richard Fleming
- Presentation of graphs. Summer drought conditions more extended this year. Surface temps following normal pattern. Clarity good, especially compared to pre-alum treatment.
- Volunteer(s) sought for Secchi disk/water clarity test: talk with Jeannine Florence or contact FOGL. It’s possible to share the responsibility among multiple persons.
Milfoil weevils and FOGL weevil hunt: Garet Munger
- A search team was organized for weevil that feeds on Eurasian milfoil, August 10 and 24. Milfoil became a significant problem in 1980s but has been less so since alum treatment. Physical barriers, harvesters, and grass carp have been used to control it. Grass carp ate multiple plants, not just milfoil. Herbicides not readily accepted by public. Milfoil weevil is a possible control agent. None have been introduced in Western WA. A study in eastern WA showed that weevils seem to reduce milfoil.
- Need to determine suitability for introduction in Green Lake—depends on many lake characteristics. None have been found in Green Lake, but populations can fluctuate widely, so this does not mean there are none.
- We may be able to do rudimentary mapping of milfoil to demonstrate extent of problem.
FOGL restoration sites planning: Gayle Garman
- Garet and Gayle think small groups are preferred to large work parties right now, relying on past volunteers. Parks Dept can do preparation work if notified far enough in advance.
- Possible projects: blackberry and morning glory, as well as shoreline milfoil.
- Garet knows of a source of thimbleberry and snowberry available tomorrow and this weekend to dig up if anyone is available. Parks Dept can store until we’re ready to use it.
Nominating committee report: Karen Schurr (chair)
- Every other year two officers are elected. This year we need to elect a new president and a recording secretary and corresponding secretary.
- Davis Patterson will run for recording secretary; Ellen Hewitt for corresponding secretary; Garet Munger and Brian De Luca for president. Karen is stepping down from treasurer position; Gayle has volunteered for that position.
- Candidates are requested to submit a statement of interest.
- Attendance at meetings, work parties, etc. qualifies as attendance for eligibility to vote (3 times in the past year). At least 4 members are required for a quorum.