Meeting Notes
May 27, 2008
Kevin Stoops (Seattle Dept of Parks and Recreation)
Brian DeLucaMarcia NormanRichard FlemingRob ZisetteKaren SchurrGayle GarmanEllen HewittMartha Leigh
Introductions began at 7:05: Recording Secretary Kris Fuller was sick and unable to attend, Brian DeLuca volunteered to take notes. Also absent was Mary Lou Knox, Treasurer, who sent a written report.
A. Monitoring report
Richard Fleming
Monitoring Committee Report: Richard reported there had been little rainfall but that total rain for the water year (Oct-Sept) was comparable to prior years because of the 3+inches that fell during the Dec. 2-3 storm. The Level 2 monitoring from kayaks has begun for 2008. He and Gayle collect water quality samples on alternating Monday mornings from two mid-lake stations, one in front of the Hearthstone, where the Lake is deepest, and another south of Duck Island, where the weed-harvester used to be moored. Water temperatures increased from 13C (55F) on May 5 to 17C (63F) on May 19. Secchi depths decreased from 3.4 m (11.2 ft) to 2.8 m (9.2 ft). Graphing these data show they are comparable to data collected at this time in previous years (2005-2007). Ellen asked Richard to forward the graphs for the website.
B. Webmaster’s report
Ellen Hewitt
There are some new photos on the website, and she is wants people to take photos of this year’s cross-lake swim (Sun, June 29) and Milk Carton Boat Race (Sat, July 5). She’s considering adding a page that would consist only of recent photos, and asking for submittals over the website. The mailing address was added to each page.
C. Treasurer’s Report
Gayle Garman
Mary Lou provided Gayle with the Treasurer’s report: We had $67.48 income (3 T-shirts, a $20 donation and $2.48 interest) and $70.00 in expenses (annual rental on the post-office box) for an ending balance of $2662.86.
D. King County Grant for Phytoplankton Collection and Analysis
Gayle Garman
Gayle noted that we’d been notified that the Grant application to King County (Small Change Grant) had been approved, but official paperwork had not yet been received. The application was for $1300 to pay for analysis of 17 phytoplankton samples that will be collected at the same time as the water quality samples, so that the nutrient data (from the water quality samples) can be compared to the phytoplankton data. The phytoplankton analysis will include blue-green algae (cyanobacteria), the main problem in Green Lake. She noted the first page on the website also includes information for the Ecology program that uses volunteers to monitor for toxicity from cyanobacteria blooms. Gayle and Karen have kits to collect samples. Anyone who sees a bloom should call Gayle/Richard/Karen or Tricia Shoblom at Ecology or Sally Abella at King Co. All telephone numbers are on the webpage, as well as a description of what to look for.
E. Fundraising
Karen Schurr
Karen noted that we’d received $40 as the result of being identified in an obituary as “donations in memory of … may be sent to ….”. There also were 2 T-shirt sales at the B&B. She has divided the tasks for the milk carton race into 3 groups, this should be easier than having just one person to do them all. She will be away on both June 29 and July 5 and is looking for volunteers for each of those days.
F. Artificial Turf at Lower Woodland Park Soccer Field #7
Gayle Garman
Gayle reviewed the information provided at last month’s meeting: run-off from the soccer field gets to the Lake during heavy rains….it can be seen as a turbid plume, the soil particles carry pollutants including phosphorus. Artificial turf is made from recycled tires and does leach some contaminants, but these are in tires and most of the water entering the Lake is road runoff anyhow. Rob noted that the new turf would be installed over a sand bed which would act as a filter to reduce the volume of runoff from the field and remove some of the contaminants. He also suggested we ask for an upgrade to include phosphorus removal because all the construction could be done at one time. Kevin noted that the artificial turf is used on fields in Queen Anne, Husky Stadium, and Qwest Field. Gayle distributed a memo prepared by staff of the City Council which suggested it might be better to wait for more data on potential health effects from artificial turf, but this memo did not discuss water quality impacts. Rob noted that King County had developed some guidelines for artificial turf types and installation that are intended to protect surface water. Brian noted there also are health impacts from inhaled dust from the dirt field.
Richard moved and Marcia seconded a motion to send a letter to the Parks Dept noting that FOGL supports the installation of artificial turf on Soccer Field #7 because it is considered a net benefit to the Lake if the King County guidelines are followed, and that we encourage the Parks Dept to consider upgrading the drainage from Lower Woodland to include phosphorus removal as part of the construction. The motion was adopted by voice vote without opposition.
G. Vegetation Survey of Duck Island
Richard Fleming
Richard presented slides from an informal vegetation survey he did on Jan 8. He noted the understory is predominantly invasive species of holly and blackberry with small areas of ivy. The shoreline is predominantly willows, with alder toward the middle, including an exceptionally large alder tree. The eagles perch in the large alders, but do not really “roost”, that is, they don’t spend the night there. These trees are not strong enough to support an eagle nest, the eagles are known to nest near the zoo. The willows over the water provide places for the ducks to rest and help keep people off the island, which is a state wildlife preserve. Removing the holly and blackberries would be difficult, the birds would re-seed. Kevin noted this had happened to a salmon berry restoration area in Discovery Park. Richard suggested that if native plants are wanted, native plants with thorns, such as nootka rose be used to help keep people off the island. Songbirds and ducks and geese probably nest there, and many other kinds of waterfowl use it in the winter. Wood ducks were seen in the fall, and have been around again this spring. It might be worthwhile to put up a wood duck nest. There probably aren’t any rats or raccoons on the island to predate the nest. He noted the signs that said “wildlife refuge, keep out” were gone. He thought restoring the Lake shoreline for wildlife habitat was more beneficial that trying to restore native vegetation to the island, although it would be good to get some understory trees started as the existing trees are getting old and will die and there isn’t anything growing to replace them.
H. Water Ski Competitions at Green Lake
Richard Fleming
Richard then showed photos from the water-ski races held on the Lake May 25. He contrasted this with the signs that say “No motors allowed” and Gayle reported the waterski association had 6 powerboats on the Lake. She noted the wakes from the boats could cause shoreline erosion, which releases soil particles into the Lake, not unlike the runoff from Lower Woodland Park. They also had photos of a pied-billed grebe on its floating nest and expressed concern that the boat wakes could swamp the nest. Kevin suggested the new Parks Superintendent might consider stopping this activity, if FOGL made the request.
I. By-Law Revisions
Gayle Garman
Gayle explained the hand-out which has been provided at the last two meetings: front page was proposed updated by-laws, second page was a “red-line version” of the old bylaws showing what was changed, and the last page was the proposed Appendix A, a Conflict of Interest Policy required by the IRS for 501(c)3 certification. Ellen moved and Richard seconded adoption of the updated By-laws as presented. Brian proposed amending Article 10 by adding: “in accordance with the spirit of Article I”. The motion was adopted with the amendment by voice vote, none opposed.
The meeting adjourned at 9:10.