

Minutes for March 25, 2014 Meeting

Meeting Summary
Tuesday, March 25, 2014, 7:00-9:00 PM
The Hearthstone, 6720 East Green Lake Way N
Board Room

Recorder: Davis Patterson

Karen SchurrSteve RubstelloRob ZisetteGayle GarmanEllen HewittRichard FlemingBrian DeLucaTom Schubert


Announcements – Karen

  • Free admission to Park volunteers to a variety of venues around Puget Sound, April 1-6
    • See email Karen sent this week with attachment. If anyone else is interested, contact Karen.
  • King County Lake Monitor Training, April 26

How to fill president’s office.

  • Possible ideas:
    • Nominating Committee for election in April
    • Appoint an Acting President
    • Operate with an Executive Committee
      • Monitoring Chair: coordinate monitoring from dock and kayaks, gather and record data
      • Work Party Chair:
      • Communications Chair: mailings, web page, notetaking
      • Education Chair: speak with public at work parties, plan booths at public events if we have them
      • Program Chair: plan speakers for FOGL meetings
  • We should also have a Vice President. The by-laws specify that the Vice President occupy the role until election of a new president, but we don’t have a vice president.
  • Believing that those present represent a quorum, the group decided to staff an executive committee for the interim.
  • The group also discussed when to appoint a nominating committee. It was decided to postpone this for the time being.
  • It’s also important to see that lake monitoring gets done over the summer, even when FOGL is not meeting. Garet has been doing monitoring off the dock since January—Level 1 temperature and Secchi disk. It is thought that he will continue to do this. Gayle nominated Richard to be Monitoring Chair, Ellen seconded, Richard accepted and was voted in. Richard will continue to read the lake level gauge but will need a volunteer to fill in while away.
  • Work party chair: Rob is organizing the June 7 party. We may not need regular Saturday work parties. We are fulfilling our volunteer duties with lake monitoring and the work parties we’ve had. We decided not to have a work party chair.
  • Rob, Ellen, Karen, and Davis volunteered to be Executive Committee members at large (i.e., without specific functions assigned), rotating duties to organize and chair upcoming meetings.
  • Rob will ask Garet to present to the group about his monitoring activities, methods, and findings. This is important for continuity.

Boat Rental Concession contract. Letter?

  • Brian DeLuca has volunteered to be a reviewer of the RFPs.
  • Possible ideas for input into RFP requirements:
    • coordination with community groups, such as FOGL and GLCC
    • document decontamination procedures for vessels that have been used elsewhere
    • document procedures for boat cleaning to minimize runoff into the lake
    • knowledge of types of bait to avoid selling in order to prevent introducing invasive species, such as invasive crayfish, into the lake
  • Brian DeLuca will draft a letter, due by the end of March.

Work Parties

  • Work party this Saturday, March 29.
    • Need someone to put canopy and banner and pick up tools
    • Garet is picking up on Friday and someone needs to pick up from him on Saturday morning.
  • Seattle Works Day, Saturday, June 7, 12:00-3:30 pm; deadline 3/30. — Rob Zisette
    • The Northeast cove area by the boat concession has a lot of milfoil. Rob has organized three crews—4 divers, 4 snorkelers, 4 shore crew members—to remove milfoil. Rob needs to coordinate the removal by the Parks department of whatever is pulled up. Rob submitted this project on behalf of FOGL for Seattle Works to provide volunteers. He could use a few more volunteers on the shore to haul milfoil to path level for the Parks department to collect. Rob will photograph and sketch the distribution of the milfoil before and after, then come back in the fall and do it again. Rob will notify Clark Grey, boat rental concession proprietor, and ask for his participation.
  • Earth Day – Tuesday, April 22
    • There was a query about whether we will do anything for Earth Day. Our next meeting is that evening.
  • Regular Saturday work parties?
    • There may not be enough to do every month, besides cutting blackberries.

Report on Meeting of Garet and Richard with Seattle Public Utilities. — Richard Fleming

  • Garet and Richard met two Fridays ago with SPU, with Naomi Chekowitz (?).Water draining from up north (Bitter Lake/Haller Lake, etc.) normally bypasses the lake and drains to Lake Washington. The normally diverted water goes into the lake during storms goes into the combined sewer. They shared information about the flow of water, and discussed possible adjustments of the weirs to reduce the Densmore overflow (inflow into Green Lake). When the lake level is high, the Parks department raises the weirs to allow drainage (into combined sewer system). Richard also shared the perception that the Densmore drain is overflowing more frequently. When there is an even larger amount of water, it goes into the sewer. SPU is monitoring the flow levels in the sewer pipe.

Draft of report on lake levels – Richard Fleming

  • Richard has drafted the report on lake levels (presented to FOGL in February) and has sent it to select persons for review. He will share after receiving feedback and revising.

Shoreline repair near Hearthstone drain. — Karen Schurr

  • Trees growing out of the shoreline bulkheads.
  • Karen would like the Park department to cut the trees out before they do more damage to the bulkhead. This requires a permit.
  • Katie Gray had said she would apply for a permit, but a recent email seems to indicate this is suspended for the time being. It is unclear what is happening.
  • Karen had sent Colleen Hackett a letter last summer about it. She may be the best person to contact about it.

New Business.

  • Gayle requested a motion to pay for the mailbox for another year, approximately $100. Ellen moved we allow it, Karen seconded, all agreed by voice vote.
  • We should find out who the new Green Lake contact person is in the Park department and invite to the next meeting. Rob will invite her.

Next meeting Tuesday, April 22.

  • Rob will chair the next meeting.