Friends of Green Lake Meeting, Tuesday 26 April 16, Hearthstone Boardroom
Convened at 7:00 PM
Richard FlemingPeter NestingenGayle GarmanBrian DeLucaKaren SchurrEllen HewittMike McDowell
Introductions and initial comments by Richard, then first order of business:
Richard provided:
- update on the alum treatment activities and process, including slide show of the equipment used to apply the alum to the lake water.
- described activities by Seattle Parks Department (SPD) to repair/replace/ modify the Densmore Drain box at the North tip of the lake. Difficulties encountered trying to reset the box at its original location. Consideration now to extent the inflow pipe further in to the lake and fabricating and installing new terminal box.
We then began the primary purpose of the meeting, i.e. general discussion of suggested candidate projects for the park, without limiting FOGL’s suggestions to tasks within its charter and mission statement. At our January FOGL meeting, Dick Johnson, the Parks Division Director, asked FOGL to provide a list of things that needed to be done at Green Lake Park. FOGL discussion at this April meeting was review of our draft inputs to date plus new suggestions arising at the meeting.
Following are inputs presented in un-prioritized order for discussion, understanding that this list will be refined and amended for discussion at the May meeting. They are presented without attribution to the provider. (Note: I don’t have a digital version of Richard’s draft list, to incorporate herein).
As an overall guideline were two principals:
- First, fix existing problems
- Second, suggestions for future activities for maintenance and capital improvements
The suggestions follow:
- Provide/improve Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) lighting and signage for access to the Bathhouse Theater (and other locations as identified)
- Repair park benches to replace worn timbers forming seats and backs, perhaps with composite planking.
- Update current/develop new Vegetation Management Plan, to address current conditions and existing vegetation, to include mapping of current vegetation. Include specific attention to shoreline areas. Current plan mapping is not representative of existing growth. VMP should include specific goals and processes to achieve.
- Return the Green Lake Community Center rooms that are currently being used as Parks’ Department offices to public use for classes and meetings.
- Remove willow branches that were cut and left in the cattails near the turtle logs. The branches provide an unwanted bed for blackberries, shading out the cattails and eliminating nesting habitat for the blackbirds. Cuttings should be removed when cut vs. left on site for indefinite date of removal.
- Run potable water and drain hook-up to the paddle boat rental/snack bar concession. Water heater addition included in the total project. Cite sanitation improvements + wider offerings with running water available (increased cash to SPD).
- Improve shore wall access for rental paddleboats, to enable safer simpler launch and retrieval – for staff and renters.
- Provide emergency response improved boat launch ramp at concession area, South side of T-Dock. Cite safety/response time, noting when called by police to assist. Police have several times requested its assistance for events on the water.
- Provide safety barrier on West greenbelt border with Northbound Aurora Avenue. May be some combination of plantings and/or railing.
- Create some form of containment berm on lakeside of gravel path, to mitigate migration of gravel to water’s edge.
- Enforce against improper parking of crew team vehicles on green belt areas, thereby damaging/destroying vegetation. These vehicles should remain on paved parking areas.
- Responsible party needs to remove trash piles (mostly cuttings and pruning products) from the Pitch and Putt area.
- Wooden fencing along Southeast shoreline area are in need of repair.
- Dangerous snags retained for bird habitat, itself favorable, need monitoring for safety to prevent eventual unexpected falling hazard.
- Study removal of significantly large trees growing from shore wall. Sapling size may be removed by volunteer activity not requiring power tools. Current larger trees are SPD responsibility requiring power tools. Concern is that trees reach size which damages wall.
- Relocate dogwood tree at Boat/Snack concession area, to area more favorable to tree’s future growth.
- Add a comfort station South of West side tennis courts near Bathhouse Theater.
- Check/repair/maintain abandoned outlet drains to ensure they do not improperly affect lake level.
- Revise distance/location markers along pathways to a system which allows definitive identification of location. Coordinate with Seattle Police 911 response team to develop scheme, for incidents occurring on park grounds.
- Improve West Beach steps access to water for younger smaller children. Current step heights are challenge to smaller children.
- SPD needs to create position to be more directly responsible for specific park maintenance/work force management responsibilities
Closing comments by Ellen H to describe latest work on FOGL website improvements/additions.
Brian DeLuca, FOGL Recording Secretary