

FOGL Volunteers Are Needed for the First Work Party of the Fall – on Saturday!

Friends of Green Lake first Saturday of the month work parties are starting up for fall this Saturday, October 1. Volunteers are needed at the blackbird restoration site on Saturday morning, from 9:00 am to noon, to remove weeds on the slope down to the cat-tails where the redwing blackbirds nest.

Restoring dense vegetation along the shoreline encourages the birds to again raise their chicks on our urban lake, and provides spring flowers for nectar-loving hummingbirds and later in the season, berries for foraging songbirds.

FOGL volunteers removed blackberries from this area last October, re-planted with natives in March, and weeded and watered the area in May and July. The wild roses, red elderberries and blueberries are flourishing, but those relentless non-native blackberries are coming back! No need to sign up ahead, just come dressed to get dirty and resist thorns. Bring gloves and weeding tools, if you have them.

The location is on the Aurora side of Green Lake, 100 yards north of the turtle logs. Contact us for more information and/or to receive notices of FOGL meetings and work parties.

Friends of Green Lake is an association of volunteers with IRS approved tax-exempt status for environmental, scientific and educational activities. Come join us!