Click to view To Do List
At the Friends of Green Lake (FOGL) meeting on January 26, 2016, FOGL was joined by several staff from the Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation (SDPR). We had a long and productive discussion about Green Lake Park and its various assets, issues and problems. At the conclusion of the meeting it was suggested by SDPR that FOGL prepare a list of items we felt should be addressed in the Park.

Alder tree growing between blocks of the shoreline wall on east shoreline.
We discussed this topic at the next two FOGL meetings, after suggesting that member bring a list of items needing attention. At the May meeting we went through the suggested items and possible solutions/actions. At the June meeting a draft of the “To Do” List was presented and subjected to an extensive discussion. The July 20th document is the product of all of this activity.

Very high steps at West Beach
The To Do List identifies issues or problems, provides location information if appropriate, and suggests possible corrective measures. Where possible, one or two photographs are included to illustrate the issue/problem, as shown above. The list was kept to less than 20 issues that we felt could reasonably be done in the near future. We did not prioritize the items.
FOGL hopes that the “To Do” List will stimulate discussions about the needs of Green Lake Park and we hope to participate in these discussions. We hope other Park users will join in these discussions.