

Minutes for June 28, 2016 Meeting

Friends of Green Lake Meeting, Tuesday 28 Jun 16, Hearthstone Boardroom

Convened at 7:00 PM

Richard FlemingKaren SchurrGayle GarmanGaret MungerEllen HewittBrian DeLucaMarcia Norman

Introductions and initial comments by Richard, then first order of business:

Richard provided on the display screen:

  • an aerial photo of the park area, to show the treatment pattern of the alum delivery barge.
  • photos of a persistent, illicit, illegal campground established on Green Lake Park grounds.

Following that was discussion of the Seattle City and Parks Department regulatory opportunities and limitations to deal with this nuisance public health and safety hazard.

FOGL then began the primary purpose of the meeting, i.e. general discussion of suggested candidate projects for the park, without limiting FOGL’s suggestions to tasks within its charter and mission statement. We worked with refinement of our previously discussed draft submission, to be further refined then formally delivered to City Officials and be available to public interested parties. Richard provided a candidate distribution list for review.

The FOGL members’ presentations on suggested works projects were comprehensive and extensive, with text and photos, and not included in these minutes. They are otherwise available for review through FOGL members.

Richard then described the intent and method of distribution of the final product.

He entered a formal motion to allocate FOGL funds to print the several copies needed for distribution. Karen Schurr seconded the motion, which passed unopposed.

Discussion regarding a FOGL social event July picnic was entered, results to be determined.

Gayle reviewed the Treasurer’s Report for Mar-May 2016, which was distributed via email to FOGL core distribution.

Closing comments by Ellen H to describe latest work on FOGL website improvements/additions. Discussion regarding bandwidth/available website space to post the above information with its photos ensued. That answer is an ongoing task for FOGL, results to be determined.

Brian DeLuca, FOGL Recording Secretary