

Minutes for November 25, 2014 Meeting

Friends of Green Lake Meeting, Tuesday 25 November 2014, Hearthstone Boardroom

Convened at 7:00 PM

Richard FlemingBen HallKaren SchurrMarcia NormanGinny Orenstein*Andrea WattsGaret MungerEllen HewittGayle GarmanDavid Toledo*Rob ZisetteMickey SchurrBrian DeLucaRobert Orenstein*
  *new attendees

Introductions – around the table for current and new attendees.

Initial comments by Richard, then first order of business:

Brian DeLuca elected to position of Recording Secretary.

Discuss at Tue 27 Jan 2015 meeting: propose selecting Lead persons for:

  • Shoreline Restoration and Management Projects
  • Water Quality Monitoring

Richard Fleming advised on Thursday 20 Nov Press Conference on condition and management of Green Lake water quality. Topics reviewed:

At Wednesday 12 Nov Green Lake Community Council meeting Councilman Nick Lacata advised on City Budget Planning to include 2015 funding for Green Lake cleanup. This intends to fund studies in 2015 with resultant treatment in 2016. Consideration is given to perform cleanup in 2015, but method is still in question (not necessarily repeat of alum treatment).

Otherwise, absent corrective action, the lake is and remains closed due to unsafe ongoing presence of toxic microcystin organism.

Note: Karen Schurr and Brian DeLuca testified at Seattle City Council public meeting at Garfield Community Center – regarding FOGL’s encouraging SCC to approve funding for Green Lake cleanup in 2015.

General topics:

Discussion of Parks Department work to repair/reconfigure Densmore inlet and its near environs. During project, possible accidental damage done to underwater pipe attached to drain box. Positioning of large rocks around the box has been problematic. Work continues, not complete.

Fish planting successful.

Discussion of shoreline restoration and maintenance projects by FOGL/volunteers and Parks Department.

Discussion of FOGL work party on Sat 8 Nov.

Discussion of methods to further encourage SCC to accelerate lake cleanup schedule. Possibly solicit lakeside commercial enterprises to appeal directly, as health of the lake affects their business and resultant tax revenue gleaned by Seattle.

Reviewed/Confirmed FOGL Mission Statement:

“Friends of Green Lake is a non-profit group
in Seattle, Washington, whose mission is
to ensure a healthy lake for wildlife and
recreation for today and tomorrow.”

This has been updated on the ABOUT US page of our website.

Rob Zisette provided detailed review/discussion of Jean Jacoby’s presentation to WALPA-Washington State Lake Protection Association (walpa.org), regarding microcystin presence in nine lowland lakes in Puget Sound – not including Green Lake.

Rob recommended an alum treatment sooner rather than later – question is amount and frequency.

Andrea Watts discussed Sat 8 Nov blackberry removal shoreline project. She suggested milfoil removal project + cleanup of accumulations along shoreline.

Gayle Garman discussed Park’s tree inventory, citing 152 types – mix of native and planted, some from other regions. Fifteen noted as native to Seattle area. Gayle noted need to update Parks Department Vegetation Management Plan. Richard Fleming commented on trees providing wildlife habitat as well as general beauty and other values.

Treasurer’s Report Presented.

Closing general comment: at next meeting, Tue 27 Jan, discuss what to do if lake is again “closed” for 2015 peak season.

Brian DeLuca, FOGL Recording Secretary