

Minutes for June 23, 2009 Meeting

Minutes Tuesday — June 23, 2009

Ellen HewittGayle GarmanKevin StoopsRichard FlemingKris FullerPatricia HarrisKaren JohnsonMadelaine Carlson

UPDATES from Seattle Parks & Recreation – Kevin Stoops

  1. Warning signs on up about eating carp -10 are up; 20 have been made
  2. Soccer Fields #2 and #7 will go out to bid tomorrow ( June 24th). Mud in rain runoff from the fields gets to Green Lake and adds nutrients. SP&R believes artificial turf and underlying drainage improvements will control run-off from the fields.
  3. New Lights will be installed on field #7 (separate contract)
  4. Rob Zisette of Hererra Consulting will monitor field run-off at control sites 4 times a year ( in winter months). A final report will be due in the spring with testing for lead, copper, zinc, phosphorous and some hydrocarbons.

MONITORING – Richard Fleming

  1. There was lots of rainfall this spring
  2. We have not dropped into normal rainfall range.
  3. Temperature-the Lake has heated up quicker than usual.
  4. Secchi Disk- clarity has dropped quickly due to the spell of warm weather, but is still ok. See website for details.

FINAL PREP and Volunteer Training-X Lake Swim and Milk Carton Derby

  1. Volunteers are asked to read FOGL history and be able to share it with visitors.
  2. Gayle showed the volunteers the new tri-fold. Directions are to:
    1. bring chairs
    2. bring water
    3. put up banners-large at MC Derby, small at X Lake swim
    4. wear a FOGL t-shirt if you have one
    5. have drainage basin handouts
    6. FOGL flyers
    7. sell t-shirts: $10 for the old ones; $15 for the new
    8. have the sign up sheet for the e-mail list
  3. For the Milk Carton Derby, we will add the kids’ project-fish, lines, and poles
  4. The picnic will be July 28th near the Bathhouse from 6-7:30 PM


  1. Treasurer’s Report:
    5/31/09 Savings $2,111.77 ($1.19 interest and $800 transferred to Ck acct)
    5/31/09 Chking $1,032.40 ($800 from svgs and $17 from T-shirt and donation)
    TOTAL $3,144.17
  2. Baseball caps- we need to spend an additional $110.00 for a logo design set. The caps are $2.79 + $5.00 embroidery fee; to sell for $15.00. Gayle will do a final sample check this week.
  3. Webmaster Report – Ellen Hewitt
    Ellen will update the monitoring charts, the fish report and seasonal photos.

501c3 REPORT – Gayle Garman

  1. The IRS is worried that we are more political than educational because we work Government entities (Seattle Parks & Recreation specifically)
  2. Gayle is working on showing that we are educational rather than political.


  1. There may be a report from a UW professor who checks for spice traces in water.
  2. We may want to contact Michael Oxman regarding doing a presentation on thetrees of Green Lake.

The meeting was adjourned at 9 PM.