Meeting Notes
May 27, 2008
Kevin Stoops (Seattle Dept of Parks and Recreation)
Brian DeLucaMarcia NormanRichard FlemingRob ZisetteKaren SchurrGayle GarmanEllen HewittMartha Leigh
Introductions began at 7:05: Recording Secretary Kris Fuller was sick and unable to attend, Brian DeLuca volunteered to take notes. Also absent was Mary Lou Knox, Treasurer, who sent a written report.
A. Monitoring report
Richard Fleming
Monitoring Committee Report: Richard reported there had been little rainfall but that total rain for the water year (Oct-Sept) was comparable to prior years because of the 3+inches that fell during the Dec. 2-3 storm. The Level 2 monitoring from kayaks has begun for 2008. He and Gayle collect water quality samples on alternating Monday mornings from two mid-lake stations, one in front of the Hearthstone, where the Lake is deepest, and another south of Duck Island, where the weed-harvester used to be moored. Water temperatures increased from 13C (55F) on May 5 to 17C (63F) on May 19. Secchi depths decreased from 3.4 m (11.2 ft) to 2.8 m (9.2 ft). Graphing these data show they are comparable to data collected at this time in previous years (2005-2007). Ellen asked Richard to forward the graphs for the website.