A favorite family activity enjoyed at Green Lake over the years has been fishing.
On April 27, 2022 Green Lake was planted with 4,851 catchable-size trout weighing a total of 10,187 pounds. For lake trout stocking reports see the WSFW website: https://wdfw.wa.gov/fishing/reports/stocking/trout-plants?lake_stocked=GREEN+LK+%28KING%29&county=&species=&hatchery=®ion= This is a typical amount that is planted in the lake each spring, with the exception of an unusually high amount of 45,000 pounds in 2014 due to a surplus of large hatchery trout that year.
While trout are fun to catch, trout stocking may increase the amount of algae (measured as chlorophyll-a) in the lake due to their consumption of algae-eating zooplankton and their additional nutrients, as indicated by this graph. For a detailed study on the effects of trout stocking on algae blooms in Washington lakes see the report by Herrera Environmental Consultants: https://www.herrerainc.com/publications/trophic-cascade-effects-on-algae-blooms-in-washington-state/