

Minutes for September 22, 2015 Meeting

Friends of Green Lake Meeting, Tuesday 22 September 15, Hearthstone Boardroom

Convened at 7:00 PM

Reed Blanchard, SPU Engineer and our Guest Speaker
Richard FlemingColleen Hackett*Don DeibertBrian DeLucaEllen HewittKaren SchurrGayle GarmanCatherine Weatbrook
*new attendee

Introductions – around the table for current and new attendees.

Initial comments by Richard.

First order of business, Guest Speaker:
Reed Blanchard PE, Engineering & Technical Services, Seattle Public Utilities.

Reed delivered a thorough and comprehensive briefing, complete with photos, engineering and architectural diagrams, and scheduling information regarding repair of several drainage systems directly supporting Green Lake operation. Reed also discussed underlying problems occurring in the system over time, relating that to planning and activities for repairs currently underway. He described the overall activity as part of a joint Seattle City and King County task force. Particular emphasis was briefed on the causes, current conditions, and near term work scheduled for the Densmore input at the beach area near the North end wading pool. Also discussed were the repair and improvement modifications to the Meridian Street Vault and its lake level weir control device.

Richard F updated the group on results of lake monitoring activity. He also advised on the current state of planning for upcoming lake clarification alum treatments expected in Spring of 2016.

Ellen Hewitt delivered demonstration of website improvements for FriendsofGreenlake.org. A software tool CMS – Content Management System, will greatly enhance the website’s ease of use and modification. The FOGL quorum voted unanimously to adopt the improvements. Gayle G-Motion to Adopt; Karen S – Second the Motion.

Closing comments and presentations:

Prepare for upcoming elections for FOGL Board Positions:
Vice-President, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer.

Richard F presented recent photos of wind storm damage to trees and images of lake scum along several shorelines. Also presented were updated slides on water clarity and depth measurements.

Next meeting October 27, 2015.

Treasurer’s Report had been previously distributed by Gayle G.

Brian DeLuca, FOGL Recording Secretary