

Minutes for October 22, 2013 Meeting

Meeting Summary
Tuesday, October 22, 2013, 7:00-9:00 PM
The Hearthstone, 6720 East Green Lake Way N
Board Room

Recorder: Davis Patterson

Marcia NormanEllen HewittGaret MungerTom ShubertChristie CaveBryan TothKaren Ko


7:00         Meeting comes to order with introductions – Garet Munger, President

7:15         Some news items:

  • Garet talked to Rob Zisette today. Rob had a conversation with Kevin Stoops about some lake studies being proposed, and about steps required for the alum treatment (permitting, etc.). Rob organized and managed the last alum treatment. Kevin wanted to know what might be necessary to start the permitting process. Some other conditions might be also important for explaining the current blue-green algae bloom and predicting future changes. There may be some money from the city available to do this kind of study, a very positive development. This might help inform decisions about what kind of treatment to do for the lake. Kevin asked Rob for cost estimates. It’s possible that phosphorus levels are not the cause, or the only cause, of the blue-green algae growth.
  • Most recent analyses of water composition from samples collected this past summer haven’t been completed or released, so we don’t have a basis to judge whether phosphorus levels are up this year.
  • Another impact on Green Lake/park: The park system has begun a new 10-year strategic plan for all of the parks. Green Lake Park has been designated a regional park, a recognition that it’s more than just a neighborhood park, with lots of visitors from farther afield. This has some implications about how FOGL may want to act to seek additional monies or personnel to manage the higher use.
  • There is a citizen committee, the Park Legacy Board, that’s been meeting to come up with an overall strategic plan for the parks. Garet would like to recruit someone to go to the meeting on November 7, which is the final meeting in developing recommendations for how the park should be managed. The meeting will include public input at the beginning. Time for testimony is limited. Garet would like to plan the input carefully. The meeting will be at Miller Community Center.
  • There is a Washington State Lake Protection Association (WALPA) that has a newsletter, conventions, focused on water quality issues around the state. FOGL has been a member of the association. Gayle Garman has done a presentation at the convention. Garet proposes renewing that membership to get ourselves on the list. Membership is for an organization like FOGL is $40. The newsletter is in an online format and we would be able to make it available to the membership. We currently get their announcements from being on the mailing list, but Garet hasn’t seen any expenses outlaid for membership. Garet proposed we renew our membership, approved by unanimous vote. Garet will enroll us.

7:35         Elections

  • Three open offices: Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President. Ellen Hewitt would like to continue as Corresponding Secretary and was elected by unanimous vote. Gayle Garman would like to serve another term as Treasurer and was elected by unanimous vote. Kristi Park will not be continuing as vice president.
  • Nominations: Karen Schurr for Vice President (not present). We will take up the election of Vice President upon her return.

7:45         Other Friends of Green Lake Business  

  • Karen Ko attended the meeting. Karen has returned to the Green Lake area in her work for the Dept. of Neighborhoods. NW District Council is a community-based organization working with the support of Dept. of Neighborhoods staff. District Councils make funding decisions and send delegates to the City Neighborhood Council, which in turn provides community-based recommendations to Seattle City Council. FOGL could apply for various small and large grants. Karen posts about grants and other North Seattle activities in “News You Can Use” emails, which are reported weekly on the Green Lake Community Council site under News & Notes. FOGL is represented on the Northwest District Council (NWDC) by Marcia Norman.

7:55         What does it mean that the mission of FOGL is to ensure a healthy Green Lake for wildlife and recreation, for today and tomorrow? How do we go about meeting that mission? What tasks should we undertake, what are goals and objectives?

  • Ellen reviewed FOGL’s Neighborhood Outreach activities from the web site.
  • Garet and Ellen gave examples of the impact of the surrounding habitat and park features on the lake, and responses by the Parks Department (e.g., cutting down vegetation in an attempt to lessen the impact of homeless people). The focus of Green Lake is not only the lake, but surrounding watershed and habitat that have impact on the lake.
  • In 2008, an estimated 35% of FOGL’s effort was spent monitoring the lake and cleaning up milfoil, 20% educating the public, 20% advocating for the lake, 15% fundraising, 8% administration, and 2% influencing legislation.
  • Since that time, FOGL has also worked on habitat enhancement—removing blackberries, replanting with native species, and maintaining gains made.
  • Garet thinks that recently we have not worked on educational outreach enough to other users of the lake, and he would like to see us do this. Garet is also interested in knowing what other interests we have.
  • Garet thinks we have been very effective in the scientific aspect. Some who aren’t interested in the science may conclude that FOGL is not for them. There may also be members who have untapped skills, such as information dissemination, communicating with policymakers, Parks management—getting our message to appropriate persons, as well as the general public.
  • We have discontinued our booth at the milk carton derby and other events.
  • Garet created and handed out an inventory of FOGL activities of functions from old meeting agendas and notes.
  • Other ideas:
    • Fundraising can be part of outreach. Caps can be redone using existing pattern. If we set up a booth again, caps would be great to have. We also have a canopy and banner. A booth could be set up any weekend during the summer, not just when there’s an event.
    • We could make more effective use of the mailing list to solicit volunteers for whatever jobs or tasks need to be done to support our activities (in addition to work parties), as well as to increase people’s awareness of issues of importance to the lake.
    • We could use other PR vehicles to increase interest and awareness—e.g., advertising through Green Lake Community Center newsletter, etc. We could have a “Green Lake Day” to educate public about issues.
    • A motion was made and seconded and approved by vote to investigate selling caps at Green Lake events. Brian Toth volunteered to look into this, with information from Ellen on past purchase.
    • The suggestion was also made to have “ambassador” vests or shirts made for FOGL members (to purchase) to wear for outreach purposes as well.
    • We also need people to develop brochures or information to disseminate. According to Garet, Kristi Park is willing to help.
    • We could put brochures at local restaurants.
    • Park naturalists work with high school students at Bishop Blanchett high school to give credit for activities. We could work with other schools to reach out to other schools.
    • Garet would like to advocate for getting more people involved in milfoil cleanup—and getting involved in planning it. An appropriate time to do it would be mid-November or early December. We would want to wait until the algae bloom dissipates.

Other – Treasurer’s Report (from Gayle Garman’s email)

  • No expenses, or invoices were submitted in July, August or September.  No income, other than interest, was received in July, August or September. Balance in the BECU savings account on Sept. 30 was $5,491.26.  Balance in the checking account on Sept. 30 was $ 460.03.  Total available funds: $5,951.29.   So far, there aren’t any expenses, or income received, for October.