

Minutes for November 22, 2016 Meeting

Friends of Green Lake Meeting, Tuesday 22 Nov 16, Hearthstone Boardroom

Convened at 7:00 PM

Richard FlemingGaret MungerBrian DeLucaGayle GarmanEllen HewittKaren SchurrDon DeibertMickey SchurrGene Williams

Introductions and initial comments by Richard, then first order of business:


  • Summarized the current Herrara Inc report (Rob Zisette work) which documents the results of the most recent Spring 2016 alum treatment.
  • Richard presented photos of the new Densmore Drain during recent heavy outflows, including light accumulation of leaves in the output grids.
  • Discussed installing new anchors for the crew/canoe race lane cables.

Gayle moved to table election of officers until determination of the FOGL path forward is set.
Seconded by Brian.

Gayle led discussion of our future activities/actions.
Brian was concerned that going dormant may affect out 501c3 status.
To maintain FOGL’s status, absent specific tasks, meetings will be quarterly: Jan/Apr/Jul/Oct.
Additional meetings can be scheduled ad hoc as needed.

Karen suggested initial ongoing activity may be selecting key “To Do List” activities to actively monitor and support.

Garet cited his discussions with architectural firms engaged in the planning for repair/upgrade of the restroom facilities at the West beach bathhouse facility, with attention to Americans with Disabilities Act compliance.

Gene queried FOGL on how Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) approaches FOGL for advice and assistance. He has worked with Snohomish County lakes which did not have similar local citizen advocates, and those lakes did not fare as well. Gene encouraged FOGL to remain active and vigilant. Garet supported that view that FOGL remain pro-active in communication with SPR and the Seattle city council and mayor’s offices.

Brian and Gayle suggested that the gravity of a circumstance should guide FOGL’s approach.

Richard noted current SPR administration’s lack of willingness to meet citizens informally, as has been more readily achieved in the past.

Garet queried path forward with “To Do List”. Sally Abella, SPR, wants to address lily pad growth and the associated vegetation survey.

Brian is concerned with lake wide riparian repair. What is SPR’s role?

Next meeting; Tuesday Jan 24 2017

Brian DeLuca, FOGL Recording Secretary