Friends of Green Lake Meeting, 28 April 15, Hearthstone Boardroom
Convened at 7:00 PM
Rachael Gravon, our Guest Speaker
Richard FlemingGayle GarmanJohn Sinno*Karen SchurrRob ZisetteMarcia NormanEd Oshiro*Ellen HewittBrian DeLucaAlice Poggi*Catherine Weatbrook
*new attendee
Introductions – around the table for current and new attendees.
Initial comments by Richard, circulated FOGL RECENT CORRESPONDENCE binder for members’ review.
- Noted swimming beach water quality check is separate from other lake monitoring.
- 16 March: Fish screens removed from Meridian shoreline lake outlet.
- 2-3 April: Densmore inlet box had interim repair applied. Final plan will be announced in June.
- 4 April: Work party on Southeast shore cited.
- 7 April: Meeting with SPD at N Ashworth office, to discuss plan forward for safety signage on lake shore. Several formats were shown and discussed. Attended by Richard, Gayle, Karen, Garet, and Brian.
- 14 April: Noted walk around the lake in the morning with Rhonda Kaetzel from Seattle-King Co Health Dept.; in the afternoon with Catherine Weatbrook, candidate for City Council, District 6.
- 22 May: Earth Day support to Hazel Wolf School – Gayle, Richard, Karen and Maureen covering e.g. : Water quality sampling at East T-Dock, Densmore landscaping discussion, bird life walk.
- 13 May: Upcoming Green Lake Community Council meeting, Rhonda Kaetzel will discuss lake sampling and closures, the signage plan, and answer questions about algae exposures and toxicity.
- June 23 FOGL meeting: Reed Blanchard, Seattle Public Utilities, will discuss general engineering issues.
First order of business, Guest Speaker:
Rachael Gravon, Limnologist – Lake Stewardship Program in Lowland King County. She previously had worked numerous programs in Bellingham area, including Lake Whatcom. Rachael provided an informative and comprehensive presentation on work in King County, emphasizing the value and importance of a government and volunteer organization partnership to effective work. She attributed the growth of these programs over time as enabled by volunteer work. Rachael cited Green Lake as the second largest surface area in her list. Her presentation cited several public websites where interested persons can learn about these works and their results, which are:
- Washington State Toxic Algae
- King County Small Lakes Information and Data (pick Green-1 and Green-2)
- King County Major Lakes Monitoring
- King County Swimming Beach Monitoring
- King County Swimming Beach Monitoring
During discussion, it was noted that Department of Health determines the status of a lakes with respect to permissible level and types of activities on the lakes. Alice and John noted particular concern to have accurate easily accessible information to inform the cross-lake swim community.
Gayle G requested motion for FOGL to pay next installment of PO Box rental.
FOGL was notified that the annual rent for the post office box is due by April 30 in the amount of $100.00.
Motion: Ellen H to authorize. Second: Marcia N. Vote: motion approved.
General discussion on closing:
- Work party on 9 May, 9am to Noon: Shoreline cleanup near West side “turtle logs”.
- FOGL and citizens need to pressure Seattle City Council to act to clean and protect the lake.
- Rob Z, Alum Treatment update: $500k in 2015 for continued study and planning. $1m in 2016 for execution of plan. Aug 2015, plan available for public review & comment. Nov 2015, plan approved.
- Next meeting Tue 26 May: Tom Kelly – Magnuson Environmental Stewardship Alliance (MESA) Volunteer vegetation management program at Magnuson Park.
Brian DeLuca, FOGL Recording Secretary