

Green Lake Stewards Work Party Saturday Aug 10 2019

Summer Weeding and Some Are Not! … Come Join Us
Saturday  August 10 at 9 AM  for Weeding and Watering Fun

We will focus on keeping our restoration sites healthy by removing bindweed, burdock, reed canary grass, Himalayan blackberry cane, thistle and other invasives.

If you do not have a full 3 hours to give, drop by for as much time as you have. Look for and follow our Event sign to find the work site.

Date:  August 10 2019
Time:  9 to 12 PM
Meet:  Beside the Aqua Theater at the east end of the Small Craft Center
(5900 West Green Lake Way North))

Dress for dirty work, wear close-toed shoes and bring a bottle of water.

Can you make it?
RSVP at  hutcheson@seanet.com
or go to the Green Seattle Partnership website to sign up:  https://seattle.greencitypartnerships.org/event/15365/#None
Questions? Rob Hutcheson at 206 854-1654