

Green Lake Closure Signs Coming Down

UPDATE NOV. 30, 2012

On October 2, 2012 Seattle Park Department closed Green Lake to wading, swimming, and wet water boating activities in response to test results showing a high level of microcystin, a toxin produced by a cyanobacteria (bluegreen algae) that exceeded the guidance levels for recreational waters.

Green Lake Now Open!

The most recent samples collected November 26 showed the level of microcystin to be less than the minimum detection limit. This was the third week in a row that the level has been less than the guidance level. With this being the third week of test results with the level of microcystin at less than the guidance level, the park department will be removing the closure notice signs.

King County Department of Health and the Seattle Park Department make the determination to remove the closure notices when the test results have been below the guidance levels for the required amount of time.

Test results for many lakes including Green Lake are posted at nwtoxicalgae.org. Go to the website and search for Green Lake to find Green Lake test results. If you have questions or comments or observations you can email FOGL President Garet Munger.

We urge you to join with other Friends of Green Lake at our monthly meetings as we learn more about algae and the lake. See meeting notices elsewhere on this page. In the meantime it is good cautionary practice to keep dogs from entering and drinking the lake water. Be especially careful where there is a bright green scum on the water.

PLEASE NOTE: It is best at this time NOT to take a sample yourself because the algae could be toxic.
AlgaeBloom3-2012oct2Photo by Gayle Garman