

Green Lake Clean-Up to Help Wildlife September 1

Click here to see the PDF flyer

Abandoned fishing lines killed two owls last December. A team of volunteers removed them in our first cleanup in February, but it’s needed again. Please join us for a work party to clear abandoned fishing lines from Green Lake’s shoreline and trees to prevent future wildlife deaths!

When: 9:30 AM to 1:00 pm, Sunday September 1.

Where: North end of the parking lot adjacent to footpath, just north of Green Lake Crew House (5900 West Green Lake Way N, Seattle, WA 98103).

How: Teams will walk up shorelines and one team by boat to find and remove the fishing lines.

Bring: Please wear sturdy shoes, gloves, and appropriate clothing. We’ll provide the tools for fishing line removal!

Questions: Email Rob Zisette (Friends of Green Lake) at rzisette@herrerainc.com

RSVP: lu.ma/ls33y50p or scan the QR code here! (please note that space is limited
due to the limited number of tools available.)