

Friends of Green Lake Says Thank You to All Who Donated in Memory of Taiga

The Friends of Green Lake (FOGL) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to ensure a healthy lake for wildlife and recreation (https://friendsofgreenlake.org). FOGL is receiving approximately $9,000 in donations in memory of Taiga Hinckley who was tragically lost on the lake July 4, 2018 (https://www.gofundme.com/taigahinckley). FOGL members have considered a wide variety of projects for these funds and have met with Taiga’s family to discuss project ideas and understand their interests. Together, we have selected two potential meaningful Taiga projects: Turtle Viewing Platform and Floating Wetlands. These projects are briefly described to provide Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) with our initial concepts for consideration by SPR regarding project feasibility and the potential for SPR funding and staff support.