Room opens for socializing and conversation at 6:45 PM
- Introductions
- Prof. Mark Jordan, Biology, College or Science and Engineering, Seattle University
- Wildlife in Seattle Parks
- Richard Fleming
- Recent Activities and Happenings at Green Lake
- “Punch List for Green Lake” At our meeting with the Parks Department in January, they asked if we would provide them with a list of projects or tasks that FOGL felt needed to be done or would be desirable to be done in the park. A major portion of our April meeting will address this task.
- FOGL will no longer be doing or coordinating the open water sampling for King County’s Lake Stewardship Program.
- Ellen Hewitt
- Webmaster’s Report
- Gayle Garman
- Treasurer’s Report
- Next Meeting – April 26, 2016: Punch List for Green Lake Park
- Adjourn
Friends of Green Lake (FOGL) is a non-profit group in Seattle, Washington, whose mission is to ensure a healthy Green Lake for wildlife and recreation, for today and tomorrow.