Meeting Notes
April 27, 2010: Milfoil Teach-in
Gavin Hashimoto ( a presenter for Billings MS)
Alex Klein (also a Billings MS presenter)
Sarah Swearinger (8th grade science teacher at BMS)
Gayle GarmanKaren SchurrGeneWilliamsRuth CallardJane DoughtyMarcia NormanRichard FlemingRob ZisetteJoel TufelCharles EhlertMickey SchurrDeb BonjouklianBrian DeLucaPatricia Harris
Monitoring Report: Students, Gavin Hashimoto and Alex Klein presented their report of temperature and its relationship to water clarity, as measured with a Secchi disc, and the relationship between the lake level and precipitation for weekly measurements from September – December 2009. In neither situation did their analysis show that this single factor alone was responsible for the changes. The wind, the controlled outlet of the Lake and other factors also impact the clarity and water level. Richard Fleming noted that their graph of lake level documented the several weeks at the end of 2009 when the screen in front of the Meridian Drain was clogged with debris, which caused slowly increasing water levels until it was cleared. Gavin and Alex concluded that a direct correlation between Temperature/Clarity and Water Level/Precipitation was not observed.